Movies for the publication “Transient internal nozzle flow in transparent multi-hole diesel injector” by Yasutomi et al. 2020 are given below.




Transparent nozzle imaging of single-axial-hole nozzle at startup (Fig. 7a)

50 MPa fuel pressure, 5 MPa gas pressure

Single hole startup 5 MPa discharge    
Transparent nozzle imaging of multi-hole nozzle (Fig. 7b)

50 MPa fuel pressure, 5 MPa gas pressure

Multi hole startup 5 MPa discharge    
Transparent nozzle imaging of multi-hole nozzle (Fig. 8b)

50 MPa fuel pressure, 2 MPa gas pressure

Multi hole 2 MPa discharge    
Multi-hole nozzle gas (Fig. 11b1)

Spray event

5 MPa discharge    
Multi-hole nozzle expansion (Fig. 11b2)

Expansion 2 to 4 s

Multi-hole nozzle compression (Fig. 11b3)

Compression 4 to 6 s
