Liquid length is now defined based upon projected liquid volume. Liquid length data for Spray A using a projected liquid volume definition is available for nozzle 370 at this site. The datset for nozzle 370 had improvements to the DBI system that improved beam steering. The data for nozzle 210675 on this page is subjected to beam steering.
Measurements of the liquid length for nozzle 210675 using diffused back-illumination (DBI) at Spray A and other conditions. The DBI system used for these experiments, as well as the quasi-steady liquid length results can be found in the COMODIA 2012 paper by Manin, Bardi and Pickett (Manin 2012a).
Liquid boundary is processed at an optical thickness of 0.6, which targets the optical thickness at the traditional Mie-scatter Siebers threshold (3% of maximum), while also accounting for 0.2-0.3 optical thickness units due to vapor beam steering contribution. Measurements are now available that do not suffer from beam steering. See discussion of beam steering and liquid extinction at liquid length in Pickett, 2011.
The table below contains the results of liquid length as well as high-speed movies with liquid boundary overlaid.
Ambient conditions | 900 K – 22.8 kg/m3 | 700 K – 22.8 kg/m3 | 1200 K – 22.8 kg/m3 | 900 K – 7.6 kg/m3 |
Injector | 210675 | 210675 | 210675 | 210675 |
Injection pressure [MPa] | 150 | 150 | 150 | 150 |
Frame rate [kfps] | 156 | 156 | 156 | 156 |
Resolution [µm/pix] | 95.2 | 95.2 | 95.2 | 95.2 |
Liquid length [mm] | 11.7 | 16.3 | 7.4 | 20.6 |
Liquid length vs. Time | LLvsTime | LLvsTime | LLvsTime | LLvsTime |
Movies: Play or Save | 900 K – 22.8 kg/m3 | 700 K – 22.8 kg/m3 | 1200 K – 22.8 kg/m3 | 900 K – 7.6 kg/m3 |