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Lyle M. Pickett and Dennis L. Siebers; Soot in diesel fuel jets: effects of ambient temperature, ambient density, and injection pressure; Combustion and Flame; 138; 2004; 114 - 135; 2019-00123
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L M Pickett and D L Siebers; Soot Formation in Diesel Fuel Jets Near the Lift-Off Length; International Journal of Engine Research; 7; 2006; 103-130; 2019-00124
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Pickett, Lyle M. and Siebers, Dennis L. and Idicheria, Cherian A.; Relationship Between Ignition Processes and the Lift-Off Length of Diesel Fuel Jets; Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference & Exhibition; SAE International; 2005; 2019-00125
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Lyle M. Pickett and Caroline L. Genzale and Julien Manin and Louis-Marie Malbec and Laurent Hermant; Measurement Uncertainty of Liquid Penetration in Evaporating Diesel Sprays; ILASS Americas 23rd Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems; 2011; 2019-00126
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Pickett, Lyle M. and Manin, Julien and Kastengren, Alan and Powell, Christopher; Comparison of Near-Field Structure and Growth of a Diesel Spray Using Light-Based Optical Microscopy and X-Ray Radiography; SAE International Journal of Engines; 2014; 2019-00127
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Pickett, Lyle M. and Manin, Julien and Payri, Raul and Bardi, Michele and Gimeno, Jaime; Transient Rate of Injection Effects on Spray Development; 11th International Conference on Engines & Vehicles; SAE International; 2013; 2019-00128
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Quan, Shaoping and Dai, Meizhong and Pomraning, Eric and Senecal, P. K. and Richards, Keith and Som, Sibendu and Skeen, Scott and Manin, Julien and Pickett, Lyle M.; Numerical Simulations of Supersonic Diesel Spray Injection and the Induced Shock Waves; SAE International Journal of Engines; 7; 2014; 1054--1060; 2019-00129
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Mandhapati Raju and Mingjie Wang and P.K. Senecal and Sibendu Som and Douglas E. Longman; A Reduced Diesel Surrogate Mechanism for Compression Ignition Engine Applications; ASME Proceedings; 2012; 2019-00130-Download BibTeX Reference
Raúl Payri and Juan Pablo Viera and Yuanjiang Pei and Sibendu Som; Experimental and numerical study of lift-off length and ignition delay of a two-component diesel surrogate; Fuel; 158; 2015; 957 - 967; 2019-00131
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Reuss, David L. and Adrian, Ronald J. and Landreth, Christopher C. and French, Donald T. and Fansler, Todd D.; Instantaneous Planar Measurements of Velocity and Large-Scale Vorticity and Strain Rate in an Engine Using Particle-Image Velocimetry; SAE International Congress and Exposition; SAE International; 1989; 2019-00132
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Reuss, David L. and Kuo, Tang-Wei and Khalighi, Bahram and Haworth, Dan and Rosalik, Martin; Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements in a High-Swirl Engine Used for Evaluation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Calculations; 1995 SAE International Fall Fuels and Lubricants Meeting and Exhibition; SAE International; 1995; 2019-00133
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Stéphane Roudnitzky and Philippe Druault and Philippe Guibert; Proper orthogonal decomposition of in-cylinder engine flow into mean component, coherent structures and random Gaussian fluctuations; Journal of Turbulence; 7; 2006; N70; 2019-00134
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Kaushik Saha and Sibendu Som and Michele Battistoni and Yanheng Li and Shaoping Quan and Peter Kelly Senecal; Numerical simulation of internal and near-nozzle flow of a gasoline direct injection fuel injector; Journal of Physics: Conference Series; 656; year = 2015,; 012100; 2019-00135
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Settles, GS; Schlieren and shadowgraph techniques- Visualizing phenomena in transparent media(Book); Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2001.; 2001; 2019-00136-Download BibTeX Reference
Sick, Volker and Drake, Michael C. and Fansler, Todd D.; High-speed imaging for direct-injection gasoline engine research and development; Experiments in Fluids; 49; 2010; 937--947; 2019-00137
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Rutland, C and Van Dam, N and Sick, V and Reuss, D and Haworth, D and Oefelein, J and Kuo, TW and Yang, X; A common engine platform for engine LES development and validation; LES4ICE Conference, Rueil-Malmaison, France; 2012; 2019-00138-Download BibTeX Reference
Siebers, Dennis L.; Ignition Delay Characteristics of Alternative Diesel Fuels: Implications on Cetane Number; 1985 SAE International Fall Fuels and Lubricants Meeting and Exhibition; SAE International; 1985; 2019-00139
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Siebers, Dennis L.; Liquid-Phase Fuel Penetration in Diesel Sprays; International Congress & Exposition; SAE International; 1998; 2019-00140
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Siebers, Dennis L.; Scaling Liquid-Phase Fuel Penetration in Diesel Sprays Based on Mixing-Limited Vaporization; International Congress & Exposition; SAE International; 1999; 2019-00141
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Siebers, Dennis L. and Higgins, Brian; Flame Lift-Off on Direct-Injection Diesel Sprays Under Quiescent Conditions; SAE 2001 World Congress; SAE International; 2001; 2019-00142
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Siebers, Dennis L. and Higgins, Brian and Pickett, Lyle; Flame Lift-Off on Direct-Injection Diesel Fuel Jets: Oxygen Concentration Effects; SAE 2002 World Congress & Exhibition; SAE International; 2002; 2019-00143
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김재헌 and 박현욱 and 배충식; ECN 연구용 고온 고압 정적 연소실에서의 n-dodecane 분무 및 연소 특성; 한국액체미립화학회지; 19; 2014; 188-196; 2019-00144-Download BibTeX Reference
Skeen, Scott and Manin, Julien and Pickett, Lyle and Dalen, Kristine and Ivarsson, Anders; Quantitative Spatially Resolved Measurements of Total Radiation in High-Pressure Spray Flames; SAE 2014 World Congress & Exhibition; SAE International; 2014; 2019-00145
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Scott A. Skeen and Julien Manin and Kristine Dalen and Lyle M. Pickett; Extinction-based imaging of soot processes over a range of diesel operating conditions; 8th U.S. National Combustion Meeting; 2013; 2019-00146Please contact the authors as this is a non-archival publication.
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Scott A. Skeen and Julien Manin and Lyle M. Pickett; Simultaneous formaldehyde PLIF and high-speed schlieren imaging for ignition visualization in high-pressure spray flames; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute; 35; 2015; 3167 - 3174; 2019-00147
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S. Som and S.K. Aggarwal; Effects of primary breakup modeling on spray and combustion characteristics of compression ignition engines; Combustion and Flame; 157; 2010; 1179 - 1193; 2019-00148
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Sibendu Som and Douglas E. Longman and Zhaoyu Luo and Max Plomer and Tianfeng Lu and Peter K. Senecal and Eric Pomraning; Simulating flame lift-off characteristics of diesel and biodiesel fuels using detailed chemical-kinetic mechanisms and LES turbulence model; Journal of Energy Resources Technology; 134; 2012; 2019-00149-Download BibTeX Reference
Jeffrey A. Sutton and James F. Driscoll; Rayleigh scattering cross sections of combustion species at 266, 355, and 532 nm for thermometry applications; Opt. Lett.; 29; 2004; 2620--2622; 2019-00150
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Tillou, J. and Michel, J.-B. and Angelberger, C. and Bekdemir, C. and Veynante, D.; Large-Eddy Simulation of Diesel Spray Combustion with Exhaust Gas Recirculation; Oil Gas Sci. Technol. - Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles; 69; 2014; 155-165; 2019-00151
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Roberto Torelli and Gianluca D'Errico and Tommaso Lucchini and V. Ikonomou and R. M. McDavid; A SPHERICAL VOLUME INTERACTION DDM APPROACH FOR DIESEL SPRAY MODELING; Atomization and Sprays; 25; 2015; 335--374; 2019-00152-Download BibTeX Reference
Venugopal, Rishikesh and Abraham, John; A Review of Fundamental Studies Relevant to Flame Lift-off in Diesel Jets; SAE World Congress & Exhibition; SAE International; 2007; 2019-00153
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RISHIKESH VENUGOPAL and JOHN ABRAHAM∗; A NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF FLAME LIFT-OFF IN DIESEL JETS; Combustion Science and Technology; 179; 2007; 2599-2618; 2019-00154
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Vishwanathan, Gokul and Reitz, Rolf D.; Numerical Predictions of Diesel Flame Lift-off Length and Soot Distributions under Low Temperature Combustion Conditions; SAE World Congress & Exhibition; SAE International; 2008; 2019-00155
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Gokul Vishwanathan and Rolf D. Reitz; Modeling soot formation using reduced polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon chemistry in n-heptane lifted flames with application to low temperature combustion; Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power; 131; 2009; 2019-00156-Download BibTeX Reference
Gokul Vishwanathan and Rolf D. Reitz; Development of a Practical Soot Modeling Approach and Its Application to Low-Temperature Diesel Combustion; Combustion Science and Technology; 182; 2010; 1050-1082; 2019-00157
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Wang, Yue and Ge, Hai-Wen and Reitz, Rolf D.; Validation of Mesh- and Timestep- Independent Spray Models for Multi-Dimensional Engine CFD Simulation; SAE International Journal of Engines; 2010; 2019-00158
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Hu Wang and Youngchul Ra and Ming Jia and Rolf D. Reitz; Development of a reduced n-dodecane-PAH mechanism and its application for n-dodecane soot predictions; Fuel; 136; 2014; 25 - 36; 2019-00159
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T.C. Williams and C.R. Shaddix and K.A. Jensen and J.M. Suo-Anttila; Measurement of the dimensionless extinction coefficient of soot within laminar diffusion flames; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; 50; 2007; 1616 - 1630; 2019-00160
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Qingluan Xue and Sibendu Som and Peter K. Senecal and E. Pomraning; Large Eddy Simulation Of Fuel-Spray Under Non-Reacting Engine Conditions; Atomization and Sprays; 23; 2013; 925--955; 2019-00161-Download BibTeX Reference
Jinyu Zhu and Mun Young Choi and George W. Mulholland and Samuel L. Manzello and Louis A. Gritzo and Jill Suo-Anttila; Measurement of visible and near-IR optical properties of soot produced from laminar flames; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute; 29; 2002; 2367 - 2374; 2019-00162
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Manin, Julien and Jung, Yongjin and Skeen, Scott A. and Pickett, Lyle M. and Parrish, Scott E. and Markle, Lee; Experimental Characterization of DI Gasoline Injection Processes; JSAE/SAE 2015 International Powertrains, Fuels & Lubricants Meeting; SAE International; 2015; 2019-00163
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Skeen, Scott A. and Manin, Julien and Pickett, Lyle M. and Cenker, Emre and Bruneaux, Gilles and Kondo, Katsufumi and Aizawa, Tets and Westlye, Fredrik and Dalen, Kristine and Ivarsson, Anders and Xuan, Tiemin and Garcia-Oliver, Jose M and Pei, Yuanjiang and Som, Sibendu and Hu, Wang and Reitz, Rolf D. and Lucchini, Tommaso and D'Errico, Gianluca and Farrace, Daniele and Pandurangi, Sushant S. and Wright, Yuri M. and Chishty, Muhammad Aqib and Bolla, Michele and Hawkes, Evatt; A Progress Review on Soot Experiments and Modeling in the Engine Combustion Network (ECN); SAE International Journal of Engines; 2016; 2019-00164
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Sanghoon Kook and Lyle M. Pickett; Liquid length and vapor penetration of conventional, Fischer–Tropsch, coal-derived, and surrogate fuel sprays at high-temperature and high-pressure ambient conditions; Fuel; 93; 2012; 539 - 548; 2019-00165
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Manin, Julien and Skeen, Scott and Pickett, Lyle and Kurtz, Eric and Anderson, James E.; Effects of Oxygenated Fuels on Combustion and Soot Formation/Oxidation Processes; SAE International Journal of Engines; 2014; 2019-00166
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Jean-Guillaume Nerva and Caroline L Genzale and Sanghoon Kook and José M García-Oliver and Lyle M Pickett; Fundamental spray and combustion measurements of soy methyl-ester biodiesel; International Journal of Engine Research; 14; 2013; 373-390; 2019-00167
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Daniel J. Duke and Alan L. Kastengren and Katarzyna E. Matusik and Andrew B. Swantek and Christopher F. Powell and Raul Payri and Daniel Vaquerizo and Lama Itani and Gilles Bruneaux and Ronald O. Grover and Scott Parrish and Lee Markle and David Schmidt and Julien Manin and Scott A. Skeen and Lyle M. Pickett; Internal and near nozzle measurements of Engine Combustion Network “Spray G” gasoline direct injectors; Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science; 88; 2017; 608 - 621; 2019-00168
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Fredrik R. Westlye and Keith Penney and Anders Ivarsson and Lyle M. Pickett and Julien Manin and Scott A. Skeen; Diffuse back-illumination setup for high temporally resolved extinction imaging; Appl. Opt.; 56; 2017; 5028--5038; 2019-00169
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Wiener, Norbert; Extrapolation, interpolation, and smoothing of stationary time series: with engineering applications; 1950; 2019-00170-Download BibTeX Reference
Westlye, Fredrik R. and Battistoni, Michele and Skeen, Scott A. and Manin, Julien and Pickett, Lyle M. and Ivarsson, Anders; Penetration and combustion characterization of cavitating and non-cavitating fuel injectors under diesel engine conditions; SAE 2016 World Congress and Exhibition; SAE International; 2016; 2019-00171
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Raul Payri and Juan P. Viera and Hua Wang and Louis-Marie Malbec; Velocity field analysis of the high density, high pressure diesel spray; International Journal of Multiphase Flow; 80; 2016; 69 - 78; 2019-00172
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Mitra, Peetak and Matusik, Katarzyna and Duke, Daniel and Srivastava, Priyesh and Yasutomi, Koji and Manin, Julien and Pickett, Lyle and Powell, Christopher F. and Arienti, Marco and Baldwin, Eli and Senecal, P.K. and Schmidt, David; Identification and Characterization of Steady Spray Conditions in Convergent, Single-Hole Diesel Injectors; WCX SAE World Congress Experience; SAE International; 2019; 2019-00173
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Matthieu Cordier and Lama Itani and Gilles Bruneaux; Quantitative measurements of preferential evaporation effects of multicomponent gasoline fuel sprays at ECN Spray G conditions; International Journal of Engine Research; 0; 0; 1468087419838391; 2019-00174
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Michele Bardi and Angela Di Lella and Gilles Bruneaux; A novel approach for quantitative measurements of preferential evaporation of fuel by means of two-tracer laser induced fluorescence; Fuel; 239; 2019; 521 - 533; 2019-00175
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Lyle M. Pickett and Caroline L. Genzale and Julien Manin; UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION FOR LIQUID PENETRATION OF EVAPORATING SPRAYS AT DIESEL-LIKE CONDITIONS; Atomization and Sprays; 25; 2015; 425--452; 2019-00176
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Desantes, Jose Maria and Garcia-Oliver, Jose Maria and Pastor, Jose Manuel and Pandal, Adrian and Baldwin, E. and Schmidt, David P.; Coupled/decoupled spray simulation comparison of the ECN spray a condition with the $\Sigma$-Y Eulerian atomization model; International Journal of Multiphase Flow; 80; 2016; 89--99; 2019-00178-Download BibTeX Reference
Desantes, Jose Maria and Payri, Raul and Gimeno, Jaime and Mart; Simulation of the First Millimeters of the Diesel Spray by an Eulerian Spray Atomization Model Applied on ECN Spray A Injector; SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-1418; 2014; 2019-00179
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Gimeno, Jaime and Bracho, Gabriela and Mart; Experimental study of the injection conditions influence over n-dodecane and diesel sprays with two ECN single-hole nozzles. Part I: Inert atmosphere; Energy Conversion and Management; 126; 2016; 1146--1156; 2019-00180
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Gimeno, Jaime and Mart; Effect of the nozzle holder on injected fuel temperature for experimental test rigs and its influence on diesel sprays; International Journal of Engine Research; 19; 2018; 374--389; 2019-00181
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Pastor, Jose Vicente and Payri, Raul and Garcia-Oliver, Jose Maria and Nerva, Jean-Guillaume; Schlieren Measurements of the ECN-Spray A Penetration under Inert and Reacting Conditions; SAE Technical Paper 2012-01-0456; 2012; 2019-00182
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Payri, Francisco and Payri, Raul and Salvador, Francisco Javier and Bardi, Michele; Effect of gas properties on Diesel spray penetration and spreading angle for the ECN injectors; ICLASS 2012, 12th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems; 2012; 2019-00183-Download BibTeX Reference
Payri, Raul and Bracho, Gabriela and Gimeno, Jaime and Bautista, Abian; Rate of injection modelling for gasoline direct injectors; Energy Conversion and Management; 166; 2018; 424--432; 2019-00184
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Payri, Raul and Bracho, Gabriela and Mart; Nozzle geometry size influence on reactive spray development: from Spray B to heavy duty applications; SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-0846; 2017; 12; 2019-00185-Download BibTeX Reference
Payri, Raul and Garcia-Oliver, Jose Maria and Bardi, Michele and Manin, Julien; Fuel temperature influence on diesel sprays in inert and reacting conditions; Applied Thermal Engineering; 35; 2012; 185--195; 2019-00186doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2011.10.027
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Payri, Raul and Garcia-Oliver, Jose Maria and Xuan, Tiemin and Bardi, Michele; A study on diesel spray tip penetration and radial expansion under reacting conditions; Applied Thermal Engineering; 90; 2015; 619--629; 2019-00187
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Payri, Raul and Gimeno, Jaime and Bracho, Gabriela and Bautista, Abian; Virtual injection modelling for ECN Spray G; ICLASS 2018; 2018; 2019-00188-Download BibTeX Reference
Payri, Raul and Gimeno, Jaime and Mart; A new approach to compute temperature in a liquid-gas mixture. Application to study the effect of wall nozzle temperature on a Diesel injector; International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow; 68; 2017; 79--86; 2019-00189-Download BibTeX Reference
Payri, Raul and Gimeno, Jaime and Mart; Assessment on Internal Nozzle Flow Initialization in Diesel Spray Simulations; SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-0921; 2015; 2019-00190-Download BibTeX Reference
Payri, Raul and Gimeno, Jaime and Mart; Fuel concentration in isothermal Diesel sprays through structured planar laser imaging measurements; International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow; 34; 2012; 98--106; 2019-00191
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Payri, Raul and Gimeno, Jaime and Mart; Internal flow characterization on an ECN GDi injector; Atomization and Sprays; 26; 2016; 889--919; 2019-00192,forthcoming,13930.html
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Payri, Raul and Gimeno, Jaime and Mart; Momentum Flux Measurements on an ECN GDi Injector; SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-1893; 2015; 2019-00193
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Payri, Raul and Gimeno, Jaime and Peraza, Jes; Spray / wall interaction analysis on an ECN single-hole injector at diesel-like conditions through Schlieren visualization; ILASS-Europe 2017, Valencia; 2017; 2019-00194-Download BibTeX Reference
Payri, Raul and Salvador, Francisco Javier and Bracho, Gabriela and Viera, Alberto; Differences between single and double-pass schlieren imaging on diesel vapor spray characteristics; Applied Thermal Engineering; 125; 2017; 220--231; 2019-00195
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Payri, Raul and Salvador, Francisco Javier and Gimeno, Jaime and Peraza, Jes; Experimental study of the injection conditions influence over n-dodecane and diesel sprays with two ECN single-hole nozzles. Part II: Reactive atmosphere; Energy Conversion and Management; 126; 2016; 1157--1167; 2019-00196
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Payri, Raul and Salvador, Francisco Javier and Mart; ECN Spray G external spray visualization and spray collapse description through penetration and morphology analysis; Applied Thermal Engineering; 112; 2017; 304--316; 2019-00197
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Payri, Raul and Viera, Juan Pablo and Gopalakrishnan, Venkatesh and Szymkowicz, Patrick G.; The effect of nozzle geometry over ignition delay and flame lift-off of reacting direct-injection sprays for three different fuels; Fuel; 199; 2017; 76--90; 2019-00198
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Payri, Raul and Viera, Juan Pablo and Gopalakrishnan, Venkatesh and Szymkowicz, Patrick G.; The effect of nozzle geometry over the evaporative spray formation for three different fuels; Fuel; 188; 2017; 645--660; 2019-00199
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Armin Wehrfritz and Ossi Kaario and Ville Vuorinen and Bart Somers; Large Eddy Simulation of n-dodecane spray flames using Flamelet Generated Manifolds; Combustion and Flame; 167; 2016; 113 - 131; 2019-00200
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Noud Maes and Maarten Meijer and Nico Dam and Bart Somers and Hubert Baya Toda and Gilles Bruneaux and Scott A. Skeen and Lyle M. Pickett and Julien Manin; Characterization of Spray A flame structure for parametric variations in ECN constant-volume vessels using chemiluminescence and laser-induced fluorescence; Combustion and Flame; 174; 2016; 138 - 151; 2019-00201
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P.C. Bakker and Noud Maes and Nico Dam; The potential of on- and off-resonant formaldehyde imaging combined with bootstrapping in diesel sprays; Combustion and Flame; 182; 2017; 20 - 27; 2019-00202
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Heikki Kahila and Armin Wehrfritz and Ossi Kaario and Mahdi Ghaderi Masouleh and Noud Maes and Bart Somers and Ville Vuorinen; Large-eddy simulation on the influence of injection pressure in reacting Spray A; Combustion and Flame; 191; 2018; 142 - 159; 2019-00203
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Fabien Tagliante and Louis-Marie Malbec and Gilles Bruneaux and Lyle M. Pickett and Christian Angelberger; Experimental study of the stabilization mechanism of a lifted Diesel-type flame using combined optical diagnostics and laser-induced plasma ignition; Combustion and Flame; 197; 2018; 215 - 226; 2019-00204
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Rainer N. Dahms and Günter A. Paczko and Scott A. Skeen and Lyle M. Pickett; Understanding the ignition mechanism of high-pressure spray flames; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute; 36; 2017; 2615 - 2623; 2019-00205
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Panos Sphicas and Lyle M Pickett and Scott A Skeen and Jonathan H Frank; Inter-plume aerodynamics for gasoline spray collapse; International Journal of Engine Research; 19; 2018; 1048-1067; 2019-00206
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Michele Bolla and Muhammad Aqib Chishty and Evatt R Hawkes and Sanghoon Kook; Modeling combustion under engine combustion network Spray A conditions with multiple injections using the transported probability density function method; International Journal of Engine Research; 18; 2017; 6-14; 2019-00207
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Zhao, Ming and Kaiser, Sebastian; A Study of ECN ‘Spray B’in a Light-Duty Optically Accessible Diesel Engine Based on High-Speed Imaging with LED Retro-Reflection; SAE International; 2019; 2019-00208-Download BibTeX Reference
Li, H. and Rutland, C. Hernandez Perez, F. and Im, H.; Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Dispersion Effects in Direct Injection Diesel and Gasoline Sprays; SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility; 2019; 2019-00209
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H. Li and C. Rutland; Uncertainty Quantification of Direct Injection Diesel and Gasoline Spray Simulations; SAE Technical Paper; SAE International; 2017; 2019-00210
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Bardi, Michele and Bruneaux, Gilles and Malbec, Louis-Marie; Study of ECN injectors’ behavior repeatability with focus on aging effect and soot fluctuations; SAE International; 2016; 2019-00211-Download BibTeX Reference
Skeen, Scott and Manin, Julien and Pickett, Lyle M; Visualization of Ignition Processes in High-Pressure Sprays with Multiple Injections of n-Dodecane; SAE International Journal of Engines; 8; 2015; 2019-00212
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Maes, Noud and Dam, Nico and Somers, Bart and Lucchini, Tommaso and D'Errico, Gianluca and Hardy, Gilles and others; Heavy-duty diesel engine spray combustion processes: experiments and numerical simulations; SAE 2018 International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, FFL 2018; 2018; 2019-00213-Download BibTeX Reference
Maes, Noud and Bakker, P.C. and Dam, Nico and Somers, Bart; Transient Flame Development in a Constant-Volume Vessel Using a Split-Scheme Injection Strategy; SAE International Journal of Engines; 2017; 2019-00214
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Daly, Shane and Cenker, Emre and Pickett, Lyle and Skeen, Scott; The Effects of Injector Temperature on Spray Characteristics in Heavy-Duty Diesel Sprays; SAE International Journal of Engines; 11; 2018; 879--891; 2019-00215-Download BibTeX Reference
Katarzyna E Matusik and Daniel J Duke and Alan L Kastengren and Nicholas Sovis and Andrew B Swantek and Christopher F Powell; High-resolution X-ray tomography of Engine Combustion Network diesel injectors; International Journal of Engine Research; 19; 2018; 963-976; 2020-00001
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Noud Maes and Scott A. Skeen and Michele Bardi and Russell P. Fitzgerald and Louis-Marie Malbec and Gilles Bruneaux and Lyle M. Pickett and Koji Yasutomi and Glen Martin; Spray penetration, combustion, and soot formation characteristics of the ECN Spray C and Spray D injectors in multiple combustion facilities; Applied Thermal Engineering; 172; 2020; 115136; 2020-00002
Spray CD information
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Vitaliy Sechenyh and Daniel J Duke and Andrew B Swantek and Katarzyna E Matusik and Alan L Kastengren and Christopher F Powell and Alberto Viera and Raul Payri and Cyril Crua; Quantitative analysis of dribble volumes and rates using three-dimensional reconstruction of X-ray and diffused back-illumination images of diesel sprays; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 43-54; 2020-00003
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Ossi Tapani Kaario and Ville Vuorinen and Heikki Kahila and Hong G Im and Martti Larmi; The effect of fuel on high velocity evaporating fuel sprays: Large-Eddy simulation of Spray A with various fuels; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 26-42; 2020-00004
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Farzad Poursadegh and Oleksandr Bibik and Boni Yraguen and Caroline L Genzale; A multispectral, extinction-based diagnostic for drop sizing in optically dense diesel sprays; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 15-25; 2020-00005
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Lyle Pickett and Gilles Bruneaux and Raul Payri; Engine combustion network special issue; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 11-14; 2020-00006
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R D Reitz and H Ogawa and R Payri and T Fansler and S Kokjohn and Y Moriyoshi and AK Agarwal and D Arcoumanis and D Assanis and C Bae and K Boulouchos and M Canakci and S Curran and I Denbratt and M Gavaises and M Guenthner and C Hasse and Z Huang and T Ishiyama and B Johansson and TV Johnson and G Kalghatgi and M Koike and SC Kong and A Leipertz and P Miles and R Novella and A Onorati and M Richter and S Shuai and D Siebers and W Su and M Trujillo and N Uchida and B M Vaglieco and RM Wagner and H Zhao; IJER editorial: The future of the internal combustion engine; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 3-10; 2020-00007
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Zongyu Yue and Michele Battistoni and Sibendu Som; Spray characterization for engine combustion network Spray G injector using high-fidelity simulation with detailed injector geometry; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 226-238; 2020-00008
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Salvador Navarro-Martinez and Giovanni Tretola and Mohammad Reza Yosri and Robert L Gordon and Konstantina Vogiatzaki; An investigation on the impact of small-scale models in gasoline direct injection sprays (ECN Spray G); International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 217-225; 2020-00009
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Davide Paredi and Tommaso Lucchini and Gianluca D’Errico and Angelo Onorati and Lyle Pickett and Joshua Lacey; Validation of a comprehensive computational fluid dynamics methodology to predict the direct injection process of gasoline sprays using Spray G experimental data; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 199-216; 2020-00010
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Matthieu Cordier and Lama Itani and Gilles Bruneaux; Quantitative measurements of preferential evaporation effects of multicomponent gasoline fuel sprays at ECN Spray G conditions; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 185-198; 2020-00011
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Christopher Geschwindner and Patrick Kranz and Cooper Welch and Marius Schmidt and Benjamin Böhm and Sebastian A Kaiser and Joaquin De la Morena; Analysis of the interaction of Spray G and in-cylinder flow in two optical engines for late gasoline direct injection; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 169-184; 2020-00012
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Opeoluwa Owoyele and Prithwish Kundu and Muhsin M Ameen and Tarek Echekki and Sibendu Som; Application of deep artificial neural networks to multi-dimensional flamelet libraries and spray flames; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 151-168; 2020-00013
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Eduardo J Pérez-Sánchez and Jose M Garcia-Oliver and Ricardo Novella and Jose M Pastor; Understanding the diesel-like spray characteristics applying a flamelet-based combustion model and detailed large eddy simulations; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 134-150; 2020-00014
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Wai Tong Chung and Peter C Ma and Matthias Ihme; Examination of diesel spray combustion in supercritical ambient fluid using large-eddy simulations; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 122-133; 2020-00015
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Jose M Desantes and Jose M Garcia-Oliver and Ricardo Novella and Leonardo Pachano; A numerical study of the effect of nozzle diameter on diesel combustion ignition and flame stabilization; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 101-121; 2020-00016
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Tommaso Lucchini and Daniel Pontoni and Gianluca D’Errico and Bart Somers; Modeling diesel combustion with tabulated kinetics and different flame structure assumptions based on flamelet approach; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 89-100; 2020-00017
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Adrian Pandal and Jose M Garcia-Oliver and Jose M Pastor; Eulerian CFD modeling of nozzle geometry effects on ECN Sprays A and D: assessment and analysis; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 73-88; 2020-00018
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Arpit Agarwal and Mario F Trujillo; The effect of nozzle internal flow on spray atomization; International Journal of Engine Research; 21; 2020; 55-72; 2020-00019
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J. Manin and L.M. Pickett and K. Yasutomi; Stereoscopic high-speed microscopy to understand transient internal flow processes in high-pressure nozzles; Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science; 114; 2020; 110027; 2020-00020
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Joonsik Hwang and Lukas Weiss and Ioannis K. Karathanassis and Phoevos Koukouvinis and Lyle M. Pickett and Scott A. Skeen; Spatio-temporal identification of plume dynamics by 3D computed tomography using engine combustion network spray G injector and various fuels; Fuel; 280; 2020; 118359; 2020-00021
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James Sevik and Michael Pamminger and Thomas Wallner and Riccardo Scarcelli and Ronald Reese and Asim Iqbal and Brad Boyer and Steven Wooldridge and Carrie Hall and Scott Miers; Performance, Efficiency and Emissions Assessment of Natural Gas Direct Injection compared to Gasoline and Natural Gas Port-Fuel Injection in an Automotive Engine; SAE Int. J. Engines; 9; 2016; 1130-1142; 2020-00022
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Julien Manin and Lyle M. Pickett and Scott A. Skeen and Jonathan H. Frank; Image processing methods for Rayleigh scattering measurements of diesel spray mixing at high repetition rate; Springer Nature; 79; 2021; 1432-0649; 2021-00002
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Riccardo Scarcelli and Thomas Wallner and Nicholas Matthias and Victor Salazar and Sebastian Kaiser; Mixture formation in direct injection hydrogen engines: CFD and optical analysis of single-and multi-hole nozzles; SAE International Journal of Engines; 4; 2011; 2361-2375; 2022-00001
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Victor Salazar and Sebastian Kaiser; An optical study of mixture preparation in a hydrogen-fueled engine with direct injection using different nozzle designs; SAE International Journal of Engines; 2; 2010; 119-131; 2022-00002
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Riccardo Scarcelli and Thomas Wallner and Nicholas Matthias and Victor Salazar and Sebastian Kaiser; Numerical and optical evolution of gaseous jets in direct injection hydrogen engines; SAE Technical Paper; ; 2011; ; 2022-00003
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Victor Salazar and Sebastian Kaiser; Influence of the in-cylinder flow field (tumble) on the fuel distribution in a DI hydrogen engine using a single-hole injector; SAE International Journal of Engines; 3; 2010; 309-325; 2022-00004
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Riccardo Scarcelli and Thomas Wallner and Victor Salazar and Sebastian Kaiser; Modeling and experiments on mixture formation in a hydrogen direct-injection research engine; SAE International Journal of Engines; 2; 2010; 530-541; 2022-00005
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Riccardo Scarcelli and Thomas Wallner and Hermann Obermair and Victor Salazar and Sebastian Kaiser; CFD and optical investigations of fluid dynamics and mixture formation in a DI-H2ICE; Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference; 49446; 2010; 175-188; 2022-00006
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Jerome Le Moine and PK Senecal and Sebastian Kaiser and Victor Salazar and Jon Anders and KI Svensson and CR Gehrke; A computational study of the mixture preparation in a direct--injection hydrogen engine; Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power; 137; 2015; 11; 2022-00007
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Victor Salazar and Sebastian Kaiser; Influence of the flow field on flame propagation in a hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engine; SAE International Journal of Engines; 4; 2011; 2376-2394; 2022-00008
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Victor Salazar and Sebastian Kaiser and Fabien Halter; Optimizing precision and accuracy of quantitative plif of acetone as a tracer for hydrogen fuel; SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants; 2; 2009; 737-761; 2022-00009
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Victor Salazar and Sebastian Kaiser; Characterization of mixture preparation in a direct-injection internal combustion engine fueled with hydrogen using PIV and PLIF9; 15th Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal; ; 2010; ; 2022-00010
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Victor Salazar and Sebastian Kaiser; Interaction of Intake-Induced Flow and Injection Jet in a Direct-Injection Hydrogen-Fueled Engine Measured by PIV; SAE 2011 World Congress & Exhibition; ; 2011; ; 2022-00011
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Noud Maes and Fabien Tagliante and Lyle M. Pickett and Julien Manin and Maarten Meijer; Considerations for the temperature stratification in a pre-burn constant-volume combustion chamber; Approved; ; 2022; ;ApprovedApproved
Hyung Sub Sim and Noud Maes and Lukas Weiss and Lyle M. Pickett and Scott A. Skeen; Detailed measurements of transient two-stage ignition and combustion processes in high-pressure spray flames using simultaneous high-speed formaldehyde PLIF and schlieren imaging; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute; 38; 2021; 5713-5721; 2022-00012 BibTeX Reference
Tuan Nguyen and Rainer Dahms and Lyle Pickett and Fabien Tagliante; The Corrected Distortion model for Lagrangian spray simulation of transcritical fuel injection; International Journal of Multiphase Flow; 148; 2022; 103927; 2022-00013 BibTeX Reference
Julien Manin and Lyle Pickett and Scott Skeen and Jonathan Frank; Image processing methods for Rayleigh scattering measurements of diesel spray mixing at high repetition rate; Applied Physics B; 127; 2021; 79; 2022-00014 BibTeX Reference
Frederik Wiesmann and Lukas Strauß and Sebastian Rieß and Julien Manin and Kevin Wan and Thomas Lauer; Numerical and Experimental Investigations on the Ignition Behavior of OME; Energies; 15; 2022; 6855; 2023-00001 BibTeX Reference